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Today marks the launch of the Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain Challenge. Using ROUVY’s state-of-the-art Augmented Reality technology, riders can experience key sections from the Babble Ride Across Britain adventure from the comfort of their own home.

Threshold Sports exists to enable everybody to achieve their full potential, by creating extraordinary challenges for people of all abilities. Since 2009, they have hosted the UK’s most iconic, prestigious cycling event, the Ride Across Britain, enabling thousands of riders to experience the magic of the UK’s original cycling adventure, riding from Land’s End to John o’ Groats en masse. This year they are excited to give riders the opportunity to immerse themselves virtually in the beauty of Britain and enjoy the landscapes that make the event legendary, with the launch of the Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain.

Hosted on ROUVY’s state-of-the-art platform, what sets this interactive adventure apart is that riders get to experience an augmented reality version of key sections of the nine-stage Ride Across Britain route, providing the closest experience possible to riding the real thing. This makes the challenge the ideal training tool for those taking part in the event in September 2024, or for those simply looking to get a taster of some of the stunning routes traversed in the Ride Across Britain from their own homes. From picturesque Cornish villages to challenging Scottish mountain passes, each pedal stroke will take riders on a virtual tour through Britain’s cycling heritage.

ROUVY is the indoor cycling app that lets you ride real routes around the world, enabling cyclists to train, have fun and explore the world from the comfort of their own home with over 1,300 realistic and immersive rides to choose from. The platform offers a wide variety of real routes, terrains and gradients filmed in high-quality to provide as close to real-life riding as possible, allowing for route reconnaissance, virtual cyclotourism and escapism all without leaving your home.

The Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain Challenge will run from 29th January – 3rd March 2024 showcasing seven key sections of the Babble Ride Across Britain route – including Bodmin Moor in Cornwall, Cheddar Gorge in Somerset and the Cairngorms National Park in the Scottish Highlands – offering riders an unparalleled combination of stunning scenery and varied elevation from the comfort of their own homes. All riders who complete the six routes within the challenge will receive an in-app Virtual Ride Across Britain jersey, and will be entered into a prize draw with the chance to win one general entry to the Babble Ride Across Britain 2024 classic 9-day package.

Matt Parker, CEO of Cloud Solution Provider, Babble, who are the Title Partner of Babble Ride Across Britain says: “Having ridden Ride Across Britain eight times, I’ve been astonished by the realism of the Virtual Babble Ride Across Britain. Whilst it can never replace the sun, wind and rain of the ride itself, or its wider charitable impact, it is an incredibly valuable way to supplement training, get into the right mindset, and experience the ride as close to reality as possible – whether you plan to join us in September or not.”

Nick Tuppen, CEO of Threshold Sports, who deliver  the Babble Ride Across Britain says: “We want to inspire as many people as possible to take on the Babble Ride Across Britain. Rouvy gives us a chance to replicate the majestic views, the leg-sapping climbs and sweeping descents of the route in full HD. It’s the perfect complement to the live event in September as it kicks off the training and fosters the community which are both key to completing RAB in real life.”

Petr Samek, CEO of ROUVY says: “ROUVY is the world’s most realistic indoor cycling platform that simulates the elevation profile of real-world routes as you ride. Unlike other platforms which build fully digital virtual worlds, ROUVY uses actual footage to create an augmented reality cycling experience.  We are thrilled this partnership enables us to bring to life the breathtaking scenery, iconic landmarks and historic sites of Britain from the rolling hills of Devon and Cornwall to the majestic highlands of Scotland.”

Visit the ROUVY website to join us on the Virtual Ride Across Britain Challenge. Riders can use code RAB2M to secure a two-month free trial and take on the challenge.

Find out more about the Babble Ride Across Britain.

Taariq Hayat

Website & Digital Marketing Manager at Babble